Wednesday 5 November 2014

Walking for Health in West Berkshire


Walking for Health in West Berkshire

West Berkshire has eighteen regular led health walks for people of all abilities, especially those who are inactive or do little physical activity. Our walks are friendly, welcoming and empowering, they are a great opportunity to explore the outdoors, discover new places and meet new people. Our specially trained volunteers provide encouragement, support and make sure no one gets left behind.

How can I get involved?

It's easy to start walking. Find a walk near you using the walks timetable [847kb]. Walks are free and easy, ranging from 30 to 90 minutes so can easily be fitted into everyday life. Some walks stop for coffee afterwards in a nearby cafe, a good opportunity to socialise and relax after the walk.
Walking has been described as the "nearest activity to the perfect form of exercise", it benefits both physical and mental health. Regular walking has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, strokes and some cancers. Walking counts towards the recommended 150 minutes of physical activity people should be doing each week.
Walking has also been shown to improve self esteem, relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety, and improve health.

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